What is Viva Insights for Managers?

By Kat Grennan

Many of us may be using Viva Insights (or receive the daily briefing emails) for our habits and insights. But there is an upgrade available to provide managers with insights into their teams’ habits. The manager insights are an additional Viva Insights license and provide managers with a “my team” tab, so they can get recommendations on how to reduce burnout, improve collaboration and more.

If your organization has purchased the licensing and you are a manager, you will see a “My Team” tab in your Viva Insights app in Teams. If you don’t know how to get the Viva Insights app, then check out my blog to learn how.

You will see your team members, which you can customize right away. Out of the box, Viva Insights uses Azure Active Directory to determine who is shown on the team here, but you can update your team at any time.

Once you click confirm, Viva Insights will open to showcase your team habits, team members you should book a 1:1 with and the opportunity to send praise to your team.

In the Your Habits card, click explore more to see different habits about your team and your contact with team members. Manager and team lead insights use information from Exchange Online mailboxes and SharePoint documents to create a picture of people’s work habits. Data is anonymized to protect privacy, meaning it will only show you an overview and not employee names or emails.

Viva Insights will also provide suggestions and recommended plans to put in place to help you manage this. A suggested plan from Viva Insights is to schedule a no-meeting day for your team. Viva Insights bases this on the fact that my team and I have many meetings in our diary.

As a manager, you can send a no-meeting invite to your team members and choose the frequency. Viva Insights pre-populates the information to make it easier.

The stay connected tab in Viva Insights will show you, team members, you don’t have a meeting scheduled with for the next two weeks. It will provide you with the team members’ names and a button to send an invite for a 1:1 meeting.

Since we are remote working, it’s hard for managers to see burnout or after-hours work because they are not in the same room as their team. So how does Viva Insights help? The manager insights provide this information to managers and protect teams’ privacy and only surface insights that will create better work habits and help employees.